To resolve the issue, first I need to find which login wizard is trying to drop. Since i didn't know, I have used this aproach:

Find job to login owner relationship:

SELECT j.job_id ,j.owner_sid , , 
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS j LEFT JOIN 
sys.server_principals AS l
ON J.Owner_sid = l.sid

Then focus on owners having specific amount (2 in my case) of jobs assinged:

FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS j LEFT JOIN 
sys.server_principals AS l
ON J.Owner_sid = l.sid
HAVING COunt(*) = 2 --here you may filter the amount of jobs owner should  own

When I knew the job owner, it was easy to list just his jobs:

FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS j LEFT JOIN 
sys.server_principals AS l
ON J.Owner_sid = l.sid
HAVING COunt(*) = 2 --here you may filter the amount of jobs owner should  own

Hope it helps.

With regards, 


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