We would like to wish you a pleasant time and oportunity to slow down and enjoy the simple things. May this wonderful time of the year touch your heart in a special way. Wishing you much happiness not just today, but throughout the New Year.

This time we are bringing a special patch with new features such a tuning tnotes where you can record all your tunning efforts and explore it's benefits through new tuning dashboard. Also we introduce new reports for tempdb contention issues and updated resource governor and memory reports for better visibility and performance. 

Here is the full list:

  • Hotfix for advanced collector analysis of check executions..
  • Added new summary graph to Query summary report to help visualize impact of query changes over a day periods. You may choose between database or hash aggregation.
  • Added new check to collect information regarding all opened transactions on the server with log footprint higher than 1MB. Also new report has been added for this (Query>Tran. log Usage).
  • Focus will be now kept on the active tab when parameters are changed or page refreshed.
  • URL of a report is now kept when user have to login after session expired.
  • Added new tuning notes to allow users store results of their tuning efforts. Added also summary report with dashboards from all tuning activities on the server.
  • Report enhancements like table sorting, filters configuration, added column bars into some table reports, report performance.
  • Added time filter buttons for some reports.
  • Added new report for tempdb usage and contention events.(Category Tempdb added to the report pane)
  • Reorganized memory report for better visibility and performance.
  • Fixed several issues with resource governor report and administration reports (mainly filtering issues).
  • Fixed various issues with check performance and data collection.
  • Fixed block report issue where table reported one hour data later than graph.


We hope you will continue to enjoy our tool!

With regards, 

Michal Tinthofer.


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